Doedsmaghird - Omniverse Consciousness

THE DEBUT ALBUM FROM DØDHEIMSGARD’s YUSAF “VICOTNIK” PARVEZ AND CAMILLE GIRADEAU COMING 11TH OCTOBER 2024 Doedsmaghird is the new project from Yusaf “Vicotnik” Parvez, the mind behind longstanding leaders of the Norwegian metal scene, Dødheimsgard, and esteemed French multi-instrumentalist Camille Giradeau. In the wake of the monumental release of Dødheimsgard’s 2023 magnum opus, ‘Black Medium Current’, & following a period in pursuit of creating something inspired by the pioneering work of the revered ‘Satanic Art’ & ‘666 International’ releases, Yusaf brought Doedsmaghird into being as a parallel world & malformed companion of sorts, by infusing some of the primal grim essence of what motivated those genre classics, refined and reflected back into the modern age under a new mask with debut album ‘Omniverse Consciousness’. Speaking about the new project, Yusaf said: “A concept of universal awareness that transcends the present individual experience and connect the dots across multiple timelines and dimension. Consciousness is like nodes within a vast, interconnected web, where the black medium current serves a conduit for information exchange. Within this singularity, all path leads inward, and the concept of time ceases to exist. Every possible timeline, past and future converge into the enigmatic state of the omniverse consciousness. Palpable as a whispered secret, we present this intersection of experiences and outcomes. Symbolizing the unattainable potential that never was but is. This emergence through conflict and synergy shaped from the original entities involved. A transformation and innovation where two points in time merge into a point in the middle…” n contrast to modern day Dødheimsgard, the origin and process of Doedsmaghird - rather than one of perhaps more meticulous and scrupulous focus - was one intentionally driven by instinct without over-thinking; to give flesh to something very real & honest sounding in its unfolding chaos and spontaneity. This sense of almost raw urgency was utilised to reflect the more time-restricted recording session experiences of Vicotnik’s earlier days, which in turn necessitated at times on-edge performances and more “in-the-moment” unreplicable magic.

Häxenzijrkell - Portal

AMOR FATI PRODUCTIONS is proud to present HÄXENZIJRKELL's highly anticipated third album, Portal, on CD and vinyl LP formats. Ever since the release of their first demo tape back in 2016, HÄXENZIJRKELL marched on their very own path towards the bottomless pit of darkness. However, it was the band's two albums for AMOR FATI - 2020's Die Nachtseite and 2022's Urgrund - where that bottomless pit dropped out completely. What opened up was a maw both majestic and horrific, ritualistic and ceremonial but by no means sound without purpose and intent. That each of those two albums were divided into three epic tracks was perhaps not coincidence; that one album was suffocating and the other more spacious was definitely not coincidence. From resolutely raw black metal in the beginning to something idiosyncratic and strangely spectral despite the obvious heft, HÄXENZIJRKELL were skillfully creating their own soundworld with few present analogues. And so it goes with the aptly titled Portal, where HÄXENZIJRKELL bring past, present, and future into startling (dis)harmony. The album begins attackingly enough, a metronomic pendulum pulsing beyond control, riffs slicing and spiraling in an infinite vortex. But now expanded to five tracks across 44 minutes, HÄXENZIJRKELL's third album reveals yet more depth - in all senses of the word - and becomes the fullest manifestation of their still-expanding lexicon. The watchword here is patience, as these five non-less-epic tracks are never in any hurry to reveal their true selves; tension and terror build s-l-o-w-l-y, even if the overall tempo is decidedly more energetic than past works, or at least more measured and insistent. Here expanded to a trio, HÄXENZIJRKELL have also found a symbiosis between atmosphere and songcraft; even when riff and rhythm drop away and there's (tense / terrifying) quietude lingering like a spectre, the usage feels dramatic and effortlessly transitional, marking a moment that's integral to the flow of each mesmerizing movement. That that expanded lineup expertly uses both molten heaviness and shimmering ambience equally well should speak volumes about the band's growth on Portal. All this culminates in the grandiose and hauntingly gorgeous closer, "Aeon," which sounds like a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse - simultaneously. The keys are thus laid at the listener's what thou wilt.

Aluk Todolo - LUX

On September 6th internationally, the alliance of NoEvDia and The Ajna Offensive is proud to present Aluk Todolo's highly anticipated fifth album, LUX. Aluk Todolo returned to the studio during July 2023 to record their fifth album, entitled LUX, coming out eight years after their last opus, VOIX. The LUX configuration has been received, decomposed, recomposed, sequenced, reversed, and is eventually revealed through six tracks of mesmerizing occult rock music. Prismatic drum patterns entwined to gyrating bass lines and kaleidoscopic guitar ostinatos embodies in matter the numinous shimmers of light in extension. An equation of Sacred Geometry solved and dissolved in mystery by illumination. The tapes have been magnetized at Kerwax Analog Recording Studios in the western reaches of France. LUX was recorded, mixed & mastered, and cut & pressed using analog technology exclusively... 
Antoine Hadjioannou - drums 
Matthieu Canaguier - bass 
Shantidas Riedacker - guitar 
Full tracklisting
 1. ●●• 
2. ••●●••••●●•●● 
3. ●●•●●•• 
4. ••●●••• 
5. ●●•●●••••●●•• 
6. ••●

Vafurlogi - Í vökulli áþján

On September 13th internationally, the alliance of NoEvDia and Oration Records is proud to present Vafurlogi's striking debut album, Í vökulli áþján. Vafurlogi is rooted both spiritually and literally in the early 2000s black metal movement, as the earliest songs were written nearly 20 years ago. Like the stalwarts of that era, Vafurlogi draws inspiration not only from the staunch traditionalism of the '90s but also from its rebellious spirit of discovery and creation. Fronted by guitarist Þórir Garðarsson of Sinmara and Svartidauði, who now also takes on vocal and bass duties, Vafurlogi presents a new chapter for him as a songwriter. Throughout years of activity with his other bands, the essence of Vafurlogi slowly cultivated in parallel below the surface. Initially a vessel for accumulated works not suitable for Svartidauði or Sinmara, Vafurlogi developed into an avenue for him to freely explore different creative ideas and moods. While touching on the apocalyptic, nightmarish realms of Svartidauði and the haunting atmospherics of Sinmara, Vafurlogi places greater emphasis on triumphant and unabashedly melodic flourishes through a comparatively stripped-down compositional approach.

Paysage d'Hiver - Die Berge

On the third regular PAYSAGE D'HIVER album "Die Berge" ('The Mountains'), mastermind Wintherr has perfectly captured the dark essence of his mountainous Swiss home beyond those pretty picture postcard landscapes. Ragged peaks that unfathomable tectonic forces have crushed upwards and out of the thin cold crust of this planet create a harsh and hostile environment for humans, which is reflected within the sound of raw black metal. Note for note, these grey giants of rock come awake to life in song. Majestic, powerful, dangerous, threatening, and yet also inherent of a fierce beauty, these massive tracks of epic length echo the huge proportions of their source of inspiration and amount to a playing time of more than 100 minutes. With each release, PAYSAGE D'HIVER narrate a new chapter of a continuing story about a mysterious protagonist called 'Der Wanderer'. "Die Berge" takes the wanderer into the 14th chapter, which might end up as his last. The main theme of "Die Berge" is death and this time the enigmatic wanderer's journey is comparable to that of a Zen monk who hikes to the peak of a mountain on feeling that his time has come. Founded in 1997 in the Swiss region of Bern, PAYSAGE D'HIVER remained a strictly underground phenomenon at first. Wintherr unleashed a steady stream of 10 full-length "demos" and 4 split-EPs that earned him an excellent reputation while a massive following grew by word of mouth. When the Swiss came "out of hiding" with "Im Wald" ("In the Forest") in 2020, their regular debut album even entered the German charts, which meant mainstream recognition despite standing firmly with both feet in the underground. With "Die Berge", PAYSAGE D'HIVER continue to expand the horizon of Nordic black metal without ever stepping away from their roots.

Pvrgatorii - Marching Through Thee Night Guided By A Black Fire


Katharsis, Darkthrone, Damaar são referencias...o resto está em baixo!