Abysmalist - Reflections Of Horror (demo 2019)

"Despite being an essentially "new" band, ABYSMALIST's crushing ruminations are heavily influenced by Bolt Thrower, Obituary, and other "pre-blastbeat" death metal. It's a comfortingly familiar and enduringly classic sound, but done with the conviction of true acolytes. And not for nothing is the demo titled Reflections of Horror: its subject matter and lyrics are inspired by the writings of Clive Barker, Patrick Süskind, and "romantic" horror/fabulism in general, with its four component songs - "Lascivious Rapture", "Black Lacquer", "The Engineer", and "Chain Ripper" - as unsettlingly titled as the next, with haunting touches of clean guitar occasionally applied to heighten that supernatural atmosphere."

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