"When we premiered “Every Last Drop,” Addicts’s slow-burn melancholic 8-minute closer, I mentioned that the band was shooting a video for the full/unedited track with the assistance of HTC pal Seldon Hunt and Jimmy Hubbard, the guys who did the album’s cover art. At the time, all I was told was that the treatment was “very, very fucked up.” Well, fresh off their first North American headlining tour, here’s that “very, very fucked up” video, a great accompaniment to the swirling/phased synths, Death In June-y acoustic accents, and anguished Bruce Lamont (Yakuza) guest vocals. I’d say it’s safe for work, but maybe not safe for you if you just ate lunch. Shot in Brooklyn this past summer, the clip was edited by Khanate/GNAW howler Alan Dubin and stars Nachtmystium main man Blake Judd along with Lamont, Aubrey Smith, and others. It takes the album title as its theme and runs with it into some dark places. Like if Burroughs’s Heavy Metal Kid was actually into metal, the progressive blackened stuff."
In Stereogum.
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2 comentários:
Muito bom, não esperava.
Por acaso encaixa bem no tema..aliás é um video bem cru e violento.
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