d.USK é reencarnação dos seminais diSEMBOWELMENT, uma das bandas mais emblematicas e essenciais da historia do Death-Doom e uma das maiores fontes de inspiração para toda a cena extrema nos ultimos quase 20 anos..reativados no ano passado fica aqui uma curta bio acerca daquilo que os está a mover novamente:

"......d.USK is the now the final embodiment to the life of diSEMBOWELMENT. Conceived by Matt Skarajew in early 2010, the d.USK entity was the chance to finally realize the sonic palette that was diSEMBOWELMENT, and allow us to present the music to the underground in a truly live context. As a result, this project encapsulates the classic, brooding,sombre brutality of diSEMBOWELMENT, and brings with it the antecedents of classic Trial of The Bow ambience and atmosphere. In context we have added a healthy dose of our old-school roots ... this can be sampled in our most recently recorded Demo. The d.USK live show is a study in dynamic control, intense mood-swings and sonic devastation. We hope that those present will be taken on a journey - to be actively engaged in a deep sensory procession ..... This is our gift to those of the underground that care to receive..... .. Melbourne, Australia's dark devotees of devastating doom DISEMBOWELMENT delivered the ultimate in transcendental doom."
Fica aqui um excerto da atuação (TToLaD) do passado dia 26 de fevereiro de 11:
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