Dia 20 de Outubro chega o “Swarth” novo album dos australianos Portal.
Como já sabia que o regresso estava para breve fechei-os no Panic Room,para diminuir um pouco a ansiedade e espalhar ainda mais o caos e o terror que esta banda cria.
Não vou entrar em muita divagação porque apenas se conhece uma faixa (link em baixo),mas nas palavras de alguem da editora é algo assim...
"Demented Australian death metal enigma PORTAL have completed work on their most unnerving and intense album to date. Entitled “Swarth”, the new Portal album is another surreal, bizarre, and disturbing display of death metal psychosis. Like a fisting orgy hosted by Cthulhu, and ultimately, the death metal soundtrack to the end of the world.
Almost like the missing link between “Seepia” and “Outre”, “Swarth” crawls and lurks through Portal’s deranged use of counterpoint and dynamic yet inverted rhythmic shifts that create an unearthly suffocating and claustrophobic vibe where dissonant and meticulously constructed guitar mutations unconventionally melt and warp themselves into a feeling that conveys pure horror and total dread. Although this time more labyrinth and swarming-like, the visions of murk and bile that manifest from the horror that is “Swarth”, paints a disturbing mind-numbing cinematic scenario of unease. Like an ancient silent art film gone terribly wrong, directed by someone who has managed to escape a Turkish prison and gone mad after many years of being subjected to torture and humiliation. Or a scenario akin to an ancient abandoned boarded up asylum where damp and rotting walls creak, leak, and have trapped the tortured ghosts of memory’s past who have yet to be freed from the torment that will forever plague them. Of course the Lovecraftian presence, just like all other Portal releases, is ever apparent with “Swarth”, its infectious tentacle-like character hovering like that powerful and ominous presence that has descended from the stars. A presence that we can only adhere to…"
1. Swarth
2. Larvae http://www.profoundlorerecords.com/mp3/portal_larvae.mp3
3. Illoomorpheme
4. The Swayy
5. Writhen
6. Omenknow
7. Werships
8. Marityme
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